Sunday, May 31, 2009


Some people drink, some do drugs, some gamble. I buy books. Lots of books. And if I'm not buying them, I'm checking them out from the library. 

This little problem of mine has gotten so bad that I have set the limit on myself in book stores that I am only allowed to buy things on my list AND I have to check the bargain bins first. 

You can already see the problem with this limitation, can't you? My list grows on an almost daily basis--hence there is never any end to books I'm "allowed" to buy. What's worse? I have taken to carrying an extremely large purse, a hobo bag really, so that I can sneak books into the house. Isn't that akin to stashing a bottle of vodka in the toilet tank so no one will know when you are drinking?! This weekend's count of books purchased? Six. The count of books finished in the past week? Two. Is there such a thing as "Book Buyers Anonymous?" I think I need a twelve-step program. At least until I make a good sized dent in the piles of books in my bedroom.....

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to the sneaking-books-into-the-house thing! My partner is a bit annoyed by all the piles of books, so I sometimes buy books and don't tell him about it!
