Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Life: It Goes On - October 7

Oops! This is exactly why I cannot try to monetize this blog. I all too often lose track of it when real life gets busy.

Miss H, The Big Guy and I made a run to Kansas City this weekend - just an excuse to get out of town and a chance for Miss H to connect with some friends. We did some shopping, ate at our fav pizza place in town, and discovered that it's really hard to find a place to buy alcohol along the Interstate system. Some lesser folks might have given up, but we needed those drinks after our poor Huskers lost again!

This Week I'm:

Listening To: I'm about 3/4 of the way through Room and am really impressed with it. The beauty of waiting to read a book until the buzz dies down is that I couldn't really remember anything more about it other than that it was about a mom and her son held captive in a room. Did not know that they would be rescued less than half way through the book and that the bulk of the book would be about adjusting to life outside of room.

Watching: Miss H has no cable or satellite at her rental any more so she's been spending a lot of time with us. Which means we've been watching a lot of baseball. This has resulted in a lot of battles between our baseball lover and those that prefer football. Because heaven forbid someone watch their game on a tv that's not half the size of a wall.

Reading: I raced through Jojo Moyes' sequel to Me Before You, After You. Review tomorrow. Today I started Antoinette May's The Determined Heart: The Tale of Mary Shelley and Her Frankenstein.

Making: Irish nachos, some new cocktails, sweet potato soup, mini-pizzas. It's been a weird week in our kitchen.

Planning: I have a lovely list of plans for this week and I've managed to get almost nothing on it done. Because books. It's the FrightFall readathon, hosted by Michelle at Seasons of Reading, and I'm grabbing that excuse to spend a good chunk of the evenings with a book.

Grateful for: A husband who's a road warrior - he's always willing to hit the road for a trip and does almost all of the driving. I navigate, now with the help of Siri. This invariably results in a least one heated battle when someone doesn't think he needs to follow the directions he's being given. But we always arrive safely.

Enjoying: Some warmer temps again after having to turn on our heat earlier this week. Dinners on the patio are my bliss.

Feeling: Anxious. I need to start planning for Miss H's return in a couple of weeks and as much as I'm looking forward to having her here again, all of that stuff coming with her is making me a bit twitchy.

Looking forward to: Junkstock this weekend. Nothing I need but it's always fun to get ideas, pick up a few new pieces, and find some new curiosities, like last spring's stuffed armadillo.

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