Sunday, November 15, 2015

Life: It Goes On - November 15

We had our first snow this week, a bit of wet stuff that melted on the ground because hadn't even had our first freeze yet. I'm loving this autumn - I still have flowers blooming in pots on the patio and front porch. I'm fairly certain that has never happened this late in the year before.

Even though I'm reading two books right now that I'm really enjoying, it's been slow going on the book reading front this week. I've been voraciously reading everything I can find about the situation at the University of Missouri situation, the debates, and the terror attacks on Paris. It's been an interesting, often frightening week in our world.

This Week I'm:

Listening To: I finished A Visit From The Goon Squad on Friday (review tomorrow) and will start Cry The Beloved Country tomorrow.

Watching: Miss H and I have been watching some movies this past week including "Cinderella," which I reviewed Friday, "Pitch Perfect 2," and "Bring It On." Every time we watch "Bring It On" now, I wonder what the heck I was thinking letting her start watching it as young as she did!

Reading: Kafka On The Shore, which I'm reading with Ti of Book Chatter and Lila for book club.

Making: Enchiladas, chocolate chip cookies, chicken burgers, and more BLTs - twice, because you have to when you still have homegrown tomatoes on your counter!

Planning: On finishing getting my office back in order so that I can start Christmas gifts this week. Also will be ordering my Christmas cards this week because, by golly, I am getting those things mailed early this year!

Grateful for: Friends that are always up for anything.

Enjoying: One on one time with Mini-me, even if it did mean driving all over town to help with a dead car battery.

Feeling: Proud. A local artist Mini-me befriended while working at the coffee shop had a gallery opening of his photography last night and he asked Mini-me to contribute a piece that he felt worked well with some of what he was exhibiting. So fun to go see his work hanging in a real gallery and hear people discussing it.

Looking forward to: Book club this week - you know how I love gossiping discussing books with these ladies!

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