Sunday, June 26, 2016

Life: It Goes On - June 26

Yeah, still a hot. Sorry about that to all of the College World Series fans here the past week. I mean, this is Nebraska in the summer but even for us, this long stretch of high 90's is growing old. And, sure enough, the air conditioning went out in my office one day this week. I might not have been the friendliest person my customers ever had to talk to that day.

Celebrating the dads and my two bookends
This Week I'm:

Listening To: I'm about two-thirds through The Woman Upstairs and enjoying the reliable narrator as much as I'm enjoying the narrator, Cassandra Campbell.

Watching: Yeah, baseball. And Luther on Saturday nights. And CBS Sunday Morning which today featured a piece about Outlander - the books and the show.

Friday night baseball (plus Zesto!) and Saturday Zydeco
Reading: Finally started reading Cinder but I feel like I'm falling into a deepening reading slump. Seriously considering taking a break from reading next week entirely. Clear my brain. Rethink how to get back to reading what I want to read when I want to read it.

Making: Burgers, salads, pasta salad - summer foods.

Planning:  Yep, that's what I'm doing. I'm putting together my own version of a bullet journal with the materials I have at hand (except I did buy some colored pens). If I can make myself really use this, then I'll splurge for the good notebooks next year. Love the idea of having a completely customized planner + journal + to do list in one place.

Thinking About: A trip to Milwaukee to see Miss S and visit Mini-me and her new place. We'd been planning on going in September but now we're thinking we can't wait that long so perhaps the end of July.

Enjoying: Time at Junkstock today with my sister. Oh, lordy, was it ever hot out there in that field but we both found some great treasures and the mimosas we found helped! Also enjoying a visit from Mini-me today. He's stretched out as I type reading a graphic novel a friend of ours loaned us for him to read.

Feeling: Like I need another day of the weekend. So much playing this weekend and not nearly enough actually accomplished.  

Looking forward to: Drinks later today with a friend I haven't seen in more than 10 years. Thank heavens for Facebook for allowing us to stay in touch and as a way for her to contact me to make this happen. There's a lot I hate about Facebook but in the past month it's allowed me to connect with two old friends which almost makes all of the vitriol worth it.

Question of the week: Who's blogging up in Milwaukee that I should make time to meet up with while I'm there?! 

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