Thursday, September 3, 2009

ABC Meme

Heather at Gofita's Pages tagged me for this. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Share your ABC’s
3. Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs
4. Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
5. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag

Available or married? married for 27 years next month

Best Friend? my mom and my husband

Cake or Pie? cake but only if there's no ice cream handy

Drink of choice? Diet Coke, white wine

Essential item for every day use? computer

Favorite color? white and black (how dull is that?!)

Google? sometimes

Hometown? Lincoln, Nebraska

Indulgences? blogging, books, chocolate, Dolce & Gabanna cologne

January or February? January--such a let down after the holidays and I'm so sick of winter by then with so much of it left
Kids and their names? Sons Alex and Max and daughter Hannah

Life is incomplete without…? my family

Marriage date? 10/30/82 (I know, I'm old!)

Number of siblings? one brother and one sister; I'm the oldest

Oranges or apples? Apples--so many things you can do with them

Phobias and fears? crowded places, heights

Quote for the day? "Be the change that you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

Reason to smile? when my 21-year-old gives me a hug and tells me he loves me

Season? fall because the weather is so great, the trees are so beautiful and the apples are ripe

Tag 3 people?

Mari at Bookworm With A View

Sarah at Sarah Says

Kristin at True Confessions of an English Teacher

Unknown fact about me? I collect frogs.

Vegetable you hate? Celery

Worst habit? Eat too much junk food

X-rays you’ve had? dental, kidneys, lungs

Your fave food? Chocolate, Mexican, Italian

Zodiac sign? Scorpio


  1. congrats on the 27 yrs of marriage! I'm off to celebrate my inlaws 50th this weekend (and me and my hubby-dear will see 21 this Nov)
    Of course, I would have said PIE over cake, but I do love cake, too. and both go oh so well with icecream.

  2. I'm with you on the celery. Those strings - ugh!

  3. This was fun...I hate celery too and I didn't even think about it.

  4. Fun! 27 years is impressive :) I also love Diet Coke, wine, my husband and my mother.
    Love the quote!

  5. I love learning more about other bloggers! Thanks for sharing! I hope you get over the swine flu fast. And congrats on 27 years of marriage!
