Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Giveaway: "The Singer's Gun" by Emily St. John Mandel

Thanks to Unbridled Books, I have one hardcover copy of Emily St. John Mandel's "The Singer's Gun" to giveaway!

Please leave me a comment with a way to get in touch with you. Giveaway is limited to U.S. residents only and entries must be received by May 1st.

Have you read any of Unbridled Book's titles?


  1. Okay, I'll go first. I'd love to be entered in this great giveaway. milou2ster(at)gmail.com

  2. I'm not sure I have read any of Unbridled's books - I really don't notice publishers all that much (I know - bad book blogger!). But I read an excerpt from this recently and would love to read the whole book, so please enter me in the giveaway.

    3.rsblog AT Gmail DOT com

    Thanks, Lisa!

  3. I'd love a chance. I haven't read any of Unbridled Book's titles, but there's always got to be a first. Thanks for the giveaway.

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  4. I'd love to win this book. I haven't read any of Unbridled Book's titles.

    forwhlz at gmail dot com

  5. I read Last Night in Montreal by this author and would love to win a copy of her new book.


    savvyverseandwit AT gmail

  6. I, too, have read Last Night in Montreal, and would love to read this one as well. Please do enter me in your giveaway!!


  7. I was just reading about this book today, and I'd love to win! I don't think I've read a single Unbridled book (yet). WordLily AT gmail DOT com
