Saturday, November 27, 2010

Introducing Fairy Tale Fridays

I cannot believe that November is almost over, and with it, the year!  It's really got me thinking forward and starting to plan my reading for the coming year.  Ever since I went to the Omaha Lit Fest in September, I've been thinking a lot about fairy tales and how I could incorporate them into my reading.  Should I read a book of fairy tales every month?  Should I even read straight through a book or only read a story at a time?  Should I read as many different versions of the same story as I can find?  And just how many fairy tale books are there? I was pretty sure I already knew that there were a lot of books available after listening to the panelists at the Lit Fest but a quick trip to my local Border's Book Store settled the question.  I came away with a long list of books I want and I'm finding new resources almost daily.  Which means that even if I read a book a week, leaving almost no time for anything else, it would take more than a year to read everything out there.  So I settled on a more drawn out, long term solution.

Beginning this week I'm going to be starting a new feature on my blog titled "Fairy Tale Fridays."  Every Friday I'll be discussing fairy tales in some way; I may review a whole book, I may talk about only one story, I may discuss a particular author or a new resource I have found.  If you're also interested in fairy tales and would like to do a fairy tale post on Fridays, I've created a couple of buttons you can use, located in my side bar. I hope you enjoy the new feature!


  1. Such a lovely idea. I love fairy stories, so I'll certainly be along for the ride..

  2. I doubt I'll participate but I can't wait to read your posts!

  3. I love this idea! I'm not sure I'll be able to participate regularly, but I'm looking forward to reading your Fairy Tale Fridays!

  4. I love this idea and will eagerly be awaiting your posts on the subject!

  5. Oh - I look forward to this feature! My 7th grade curriculum is loosely based on Fairy Tales. I use them to teach students about the elements of literature; then we read Tuck Everlasting and discuss how it can be a modern day fairy tale; and in January we will read the Hobbit - another fantasy book with fairy tale elements.

    I am excited to read your First Fairy Tale Friday post

  6. I like that idea of Fairy tale Fridays. I will be stopping by and checking it out.!
