Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Winter's Respite Read-A-Thon

With all of the health complications we've had in my house already this year, I don't foresee us making any big plans for this month. Which means that I'll have plenty of reading time and should finally be able to succeed at a readathon. Michelle, of The True Book Addict, is once again sponsoring the A Winter's Respite Read-A-Thon from January 23rd through January 29th. As with all of Michelle's readathons, this one is relaxed and you can put in as many hours reading during this time as work for you. Novel, novellas, adult and YA books all count for this one.

I'm trying to decide if I want to just grab a varied stack of books or if I want to try to go with a theme for this readathon. Since I recently reorganized my bookshelves, I've been thinking of a lot of things I could do with themes so that might be kind of fun. Then again, I might just pick book choices that will all work for challenges to make sure I get a good start on those this year. Ah, the joy of having time to read again!

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