Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunday Salon - February 12

Happy Sunday! It's been a good weekend here at Chez Shepp. Much has been accomplished, we've watched some good movies, got to spend some time with all five of us together, and The Big Guy and I once again had a marvelous evening with my parents watching the folk music duo, Neal and Leandra, perform. Today I'm planning on having lunch with Miss H, my sister and my niece.

We call ourselves Musketeers (it's a long story having to do with steak knives and the whole "all of one and one for all" thing) and whenever one of us needs a pick me up, we're there for each other. There is bound to be plenty of laughter and I'm once again reminded of why I live where I live. Would I love to be someplace where the temperatures never dip to 3 degrees below zero (this morning's temperature) and I never had to drive on icy roads? Absolutely! But when the various branches of my family came to this country, this is where they settled and this is where my family remains. There is nothing more important to me.

Speaking of the Musketeers, have any of you read Alexander Dumas' The Three Musketeers? I've only every read the abridged version of his The Count of Monte Cristo. I found that to be thoroughly entertaining so I might just have to pick up the tale of the Musketeers one of these days.

This week on the blog will be all about love, in its many incarnations. I've got two book reviews scheduled this week, American Eve and Rules of Civility, which both deal with different kinds of love to some extent, a Valentine's Day post showcasing an author it had never occurred to me to think of as romantic, and a Fairy Tale Fridays post about love. As for my reading, it's also going to deal with love. Right now I'm reading The Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton and will follow that up with, I think, P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern.

I hope none of you get too wrapped up in the commercialization of the day and take some time this week to tell someone that you love them!

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