Saturday, August 3, 2013

Life: It Goes On - August 4

I walked into my family room yesterday morning and was hit with the thought that I was tired of everything about it. That's never a good thing for my family - it means the rest of the week the house will be a mess as I rearrange, tweak and paint to give the place a face lift. More and more I'm about lightening things up.

Work was crazy this week; with people on vacation and another one sick for a couple of days, my workload almost doubled. Reading kept me sane. I finished one book and most of another one trying to put my brain back in a good place.

Here's What I'm:

Listening To: I created an Arcangelo Corelli station on Pandora (Baroque classical music) and I'm loving it. Perfect for listening to while reading. This piece, credited to Tomaso Albinoni, is truly one of the saddest pieces of music I've ever heard. Maybe because deep in my brain I still remember it from the movie Gallipoli? Talk about sad!

Watching: Movies based on books: "Pride & Prejudice," "Vanity Fair," and  "Under The Tuscan Sun" starring Dianne Ladd. It's one of those movies I always watch when it's on and it always makes me happy. It also makes me want to get around to reading the book on which it's based, a memoir by Frances Mayes. 

Reading: Hungry: A Memoir by Darlene Barnes for an upcoming TLC tour, The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton on my Nook, and this week I'll finish Tom Perrota's The Abstinence Teacher on audio. I'm thinking next up on audio will be Mohsin Hamad's The Reluctant Fundamentalist.

Making: Nothing - The Big Guy's been out of town this week and the kids have been working or busy so the kitchen's been mostly closed.

Planning: A couple of upcoming staycations. There is so much to do nearby that we just don't get around to doing. We may be staying local, but we will not be staying at home. Those free hotel nights are getting put to use!

Grateful for: The glorious rainfall we had Thursday evening; the kind of rainfall where you can leave the windows open to enjoy the breeze and the wonderful fresh aroma. I spent an hour reading my Nook next to an open window.

Loving: Just picked strawberries. So yummy! I can't believe I've never grown them before.

Thinking: There are a lot of stupid, rude, unethical people out there. Can you tell it's been a stressful week at work?!

Looking forward to: August. When your kids are all in college, you still get to have the third month of summer. So stop with all of the fall/Halloween stuff in the stores and on Pinterest already!

What are you looking reading this week? Any last of the summer plans?

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