Here's What I'm:
Listening To: Brazilian radio on Pandora. I'm finding it makes great background music while I'm doing other things. Something about not being able to understand the lyrics makes them blend in with the instrumental and it's less distracting for me. Plus it's fun!
Watching: All Is Lost starring Robert Redford. It's a very unusual movie in that there is almost no dialogue and Redford is the only character. So well acted and the ending left us wondering.
Reading: Chasing The Sun by Natalia Sylvester for an upcoming TLC Book Tour. Set in Peru, it's the first book I've ever read set in that country. Really enjoying it a lot.
Making: Salads with lettuce from our very own garden! Otherwise, I really haven't been very creative in the kitchen.
Planning: On continuing some landscaping changes I started this week. They got a bit derailed when I had a fifty-pound stone fall over on my foot and had to stop. That put a kibosh on my walking, too, since I couldn't get a shoe on for a few days. Ergh!
Grateful for: Cooler temps today - it has been so hot. We even had to put on jackets tonight while we were sitting around the fire on the patio.
Loving: That Miss H got to meet one of my favorite bloggers, Lori of The Coffee Girl, yesterday. Lori and I became friends through GoodReads. Both she and Miss H are huge fans of the New York Yankees. They've gotten to know each other through Facebook and when the Yankees came to Kansas City this weekend it turned out they were both going. I am, I must admit, a little jealous that I wasn't there!
Feeling: Both content and unsettled at the same time. Does that even make sense? I'm not even sure I can explain it. I'm having a hard time sitting still lately; it's made blogging and reading tough.

Arts Festival followed by an event at a local art gallery. The gallery has an exhibition by Peter Max and he will be there. If you were around in the 1960's, early 1970's, you'll remember Max's work, particularly his work with The Beatles. He's still doing work that's in the same vein although not so psychedelic. Mini-me is going with us and it's always fun to get our own artist's impression on what we're seeing.
I'm also looking forward to book club this week. Not only do we get to talk to author Tracey Garvis-Graves about her book On The Island, we will be conferencing in with another book club in New Jersey, which is lead by our former leader.
What are you looking forward to this week?
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