It's been a wedding weekend hangover week (not literally - golly, I didn't drink that much!). Between that and the cold, I haven't been able to convince myself to get much of anything done; I've hardly even made time for reading. I have gotten to spend quite a bit of time with Miss H (we see her more now that she's moved out!) and the better part of a day with my parents, so that's good!
This Week I'm:

Listening To: Still listening to Sea Poppies by Amitav Ghosh. It's a little tricky to keep track of, a lot of characters with, for me, unusual names. Thanks to a road trip, I'm now about 2/3 of the way through it.
Watching: Back to the usual this week. It's almost movie rental season for us and then I'll finally have something new to tell you about.
Reading: Oops. Got well into The Secret History when I remembered that I needed to get this month's book club book read and I have a scheduled review this week. So, right now I'm racing through The Paris Wife and then it's on to Syrie James' Jane Austen's First Love.
Making: Beef stew, chicken and noodles, chicken and wild rice, chili - you can really tell the temps tanked this week, can't you?!
Planning: Nothing got done on Miss H's room until this weekend. The carpet is finally cleaned and today can start moving furniture in. This week will be about finishing that piece, moving my crafting and sewing things in, and figuring out how much of the stuff on the walls I can take down without upsetting Miss H too much. Even though the room is mostly empty, she still seems to think we'll leave it as is...just in case, you know.
Grateful for: Good doctors and nurses.
Enjoying: The kickoff of college basketball. BG and I went to a game Friday night and had so much fun.
Feeling: A little bit like a grinch. I'm really not ready for it to be the Christmas season. It's all just so overwhelming.
Looking forward to: Book club on Tuesday!
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