Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life: It Goes On - January 25

Well, we've had a fun weekend! Miss H spent the night Friday night so that the two of us could have some girl time Saturday; brunch and a couple of movies. Then The Big Guy and I took off for Kansas City. He needed to pick up a work car and convinced the powers that be that it was cheaper to pay for us to have a fun evening on them than to have the car shipped up. So we both drove a car back up to Omaha. Okay, that part was not so much fun! We got back to Omaha in time to for an early birthday lunch for BG with the kids (well, Miss H wasn't actually eating with us; she had to work so we let her wait on us).

This Week I'm:

Listening To: I started listening to Life After Life on my drive back from Kansas City. Really loving it so far.

Watching: Yesterday Miss H and I watched "Grease" and "Freaky Friday." Today I'm watching "I Captured The Castle" and "Across The Universe." I'm hoping to talk BG into sopping up a lot of BBC America off Netflix this week since it will soon be gone from there and there is a lot there that I'd like to get caught up with.

Reading: I finally finished The Secret Place this morning while we were lounging around the hotel. I have no idea why I could not make myself sit down and read it; I really did like it quite a lot. Today I'm starting Girl Runner for an upcoming TLC Book review.

Making: Two vinaigrettes (raspberry balsamic and honey mustard), honey mustard chicken, and pork chops. I'm sure there must have been more. I know we ate every night this past week!

Planning: In the kitchen, more new recipes. On the organizing front, it's time to start the dining room. Plus, I'm ready to get back into "my" room; it continues to be a work in progress.

Grateful for: Making the right choice 32+ years ago. We tease BG about what a grumpy old man he's going to be but I can't imagine myself with anyone else. He makes me laugh and talks me down when I'm getting high strung.

Enjoying: BG let me spend an entire hour browsing in the four-story Barnes and Noble last night. In the end, I only came away with two books: The Autobiography of Malcolm X for book club and Frozen In Time which I found on clearance. Am I the only one who gets a little pain when you find a really great book stacked on the clearance shelf like some has been?

Feeling: Excited about all of the great books that have come into my house this week. Beside the two I got last night and Life After Life, which I picked up Friday for the trip, I also picked up Tell The Wolves I'm Home and Love and Friendship And Other Early Works by Jane Austen arrived on my doorstep. Glad the reading bug bit me again this weekend!

Looking forward to: A (hopefully) quiet week with lots of time to read and a mellower work week. BG's actual birthday is Wednesday but it will be a low-key affair on account of all of the celebrating this weekend. What are you looking forward to this week?

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