It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! Not so much weather-wise (although that will change this week); it's been raining much of the weekend instead of snowing. Still, there's just a festive air that's beginning to hang over the city - beautiful light displays, fun events, and the people in the stores are still largely pleasant. What d'ya think? Another week of that before people start to get frantic?
This Week I'm:
Listening To: Finally Christmas music! Nothing like a little Frankie to get me in the mood.
Watching: Every Christmas show I can find - Rudolph, The Grinch, Scrooge (with Albert Finney), and Disney's A Christmas Carol. And volleyball - our Lady Huskers are going to the Final Four!
Reading: Finished Kafka On The Shore and will finish Everything I Never Told You tomorrow for bookclub this week. After that the plan is to finish Extra Virgin and Faithful Place and to read something Christmasy before the holidays.
Making: Today was day one of goodie making with the family. We knocked out most of it, even added a couple of new things: chocolate peppermint almond bark, Bavarian mints, puppy chow, dipped pretzels, and brownie truffles. We got to introduce Mini-me's girl to our traditions - hopefully we didn't scare her off!

Grateful for: Sunrises like this one - we've had a lot of great ones lately that [kind of] make getting up early worthwhile.

Feeling: Like I just might get it all done without racing around like a chicken with my head cut off. Just cookies and caramel corn to get made yet, the house is finally all decorated, the cards have been mailed and I'm well on my way to being done with shopping. It's a good feeling.
Looking forward to: Book club this week.
What you are looking forward to this week?
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