Just some random stuff in my head:

- Apparently I have yet to master Edelweiss. I keep thinking I'm requesting books and then never hear anything about them. Once again, when I checked my account the other night it showed I had never requested any books. Huh? So I requested four books. And they're showing up now. We'll see.
- I forced myself to finish a book this week. I hate doing that and I hate that I made myself do it. It started so fantastically, I just couldn't give up on it. I feel like I ask this about every six months, but how do you decide when to give up on a book?
- I've been going back through the Netgalley books I've requested over the years but never got around to reading and reviewing (yeah, there was a whole problem with me "getting" that system as well). I thought I'd order several of them when I found that I could order them through Barnes and Noble for a couple of bucks apiece. Until I realized that shipping from the various sources they'd come from would cost me more than $80! Needless to say, I backed that whole order out! Luckily, Better World Books had a sale for Memorial Day so six new books are on their way to my house, including three that I'd previously requested on Netgalley.

- I am so in the doldrums reading-wise that I am seriously considering a reread just so I KNOW I'll like it. The Sparrow is parked in my brain lately and really wants to be read again.
- But so many books I haven't read yet!
- Less than a month left to complete the Once Upon A Time challenge. I need to get started. Perhaps some fairy tales are just the thing to bust out of a reading slump.
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