I learned a lot. About myself, about the people protesting, about the people who drove through the intersection who largely showed support, and about the police in Omaha. For the most part, the police hung well back and let people voice their frustration and the protesters were respectful of the police. I was really proud of Omaha. I might have been standing with those who feel disenfranchised but I also support the police. They have an incredibly hard job and put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. So, when I bought a couple of dozen doughnuts from the Krispy Kreme where I was parked, I first shared with the officers. Which made it on to Twitter!
This Week I'm:
Listening To: Still Billy Lynn's Long Half Time Walk. I'm about a third of the way through and I'm feeling like I already get the point of the story and I'm not sure where it's going from here. It'll have to pick up this week or I may not finish it.

Reading: I'm hoping to finish The Light of Paris in the next couple of days, if I can get my hands on the iPad long enough. Then I'll finish The Year of Reading Dangerously. I'm enjoying it but it's time to finish it and put something new on my nightstand.
Making: We ate leftovers from our Fourth get-together for a couple of days, made a pizza, grilled some chicken thighs - mostly we took it easy in the kitchen.
Planning: As for this subject, I'm really enjoying working with/on my Bullet Journal. It's still a work in progress and I won't move it into a good journal book until I've got the kinks worked out and settle on the way I want it set up. I like having everything in one place and having as much room as I want for each day's plans and activities.
Thinking About: Ways to continue to be involved in making my community better.
Enjoying: Finding out that my nephew and his wife will be having a baby girl in October.
Feeling: Sad and annoyed. I've had to unfollow a blog this week when, in the course of a book review, the blogger felt it necessary to bring her political views into the review. I disagreed with her with but also found it to be a passive/aggressive move which was what drove me to unfollow her.
Looking forward to: My company's annual picnic and baseball game this week.
Question of the week: If you use a bullet journal, which book do you use?
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