Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Lit: Uniquely Portable Magic

Never a good week when you're not able to post a single book review for the entire week but that's how my reading's been going lately and it's not likely to get better with the Olympics on for more than another week yet! I actually have finished a couple of books one is a book for review and the one I just finished yesterday I decided to hold off on the review for another week when I'm also likely to be needing one.

Cleaning up my Facebook saves again and thought I'd share a couple of things. shared 11 Fascinating Books That Will Turn You Into a True Crime Junkie. I've long been a fan of true crime books. I can't recall when I first started reading them but Vincent Bugliosi's Helter Skelter and Joseph Wambaugh's The Onion Field are two that have always stuck with me. I lived a very sheltered youth; there was only about one murder a year in Lincoln at that time and while we might not have left our front doors unlocked, we likely could have. True crime books opened my eyes to a bigger more dangerous world. These days, I'm more likely these days to pick up a book about an historical crime than something more recent. I think I get enough of stories that scare me in the news. But the ones on this list, they do intrigue me.

In June The Washington Post gave us 37 Books We've Loved So Far In 2016.  In case you missed any of these and needed some more books to add to your list of books you want to read!

Gretchen Rubin asked if her Facebook followers look at the titles on bookcases when they visit someone's home. I know I do (and I may be guilty of being a little judgy sometimes, I'm embarrassed to admit. Do you do this?

I love this infographic from Electric Lit!  As National Whiskey Day was only a couple of weeks ago, I thought you might enjoy seeing the impact that drink has had on literature.

Buzzed put together a list of 31 Books You Need To Bring To The Beach This Summer, compiled from reader recommendations. The Millions has a much different take on summer reading with A Summer Reading List for Wretched A*#holes Who Prefer To Wallow In Someone Else's Misery. What kind of reading do you prefer for the summer?

Penguin Random House has compiled a list of 22 Unforgettable Love Stories In Fiction.  I don't consider myself much of a love story reader but I have read eleven of these so maybe I like love stories more than I thought I did!

And, finally, in the year of the first female presidential nominee, a list from Book Riot of 115 Reading Recommendations for Books by Women.  I've only read 20 of these, despite reading predominately books by women. How many of these have you read?

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