Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dewey's Read-a-thon 10 Hours In

Kind of embarrassed to say that I'm not doing very well with the whole reading part of the read-a-thon! I had to take the early nap, then I had to watch a football game, then I had to take
Miss H to the mall with friends. I've only actually gotten about three hours of reading in today. **bowing head in disgrace**

I'm still working on The Unnatural History of Cypress Parish and really enjoying it. I found Elise Blackwell through Emily St. John Mandel (author of Last Night in Montreal) on twitter. Elise and I had talked but I didn't even realize at first that she was an author. Then I finally got her book from the library but just hadn't been able to work it in yet.

Books read: still only on
Pages read: 240


  1. Well that's 3 more hours of reading than you might have done otherwise, right? I say it's a good effort! (And it isn't over yet, right?!!)

  2. You have nothing to be ashamed of. There are no firm rules. You do what you can do and it's supposed to be fun. I am about to take a break as my eyes are beginning to go. Kids are at me too so I should probably feed them or something. LOL.

  3. I didn't go anywhere and still had terrible morning/ afternoon but an catching up now. Naps and reading just go together! Hope you enjoyed the football game

  4. I'm popping by to offer some cheering! Give me an R! Give me an E! Give me an A! Give me a D! What does that spell?! Read! Read! Read!

    Don't be embarassed! As long as you're enjoying yourself, that's all that matters!

  5. That's still a good amount of pages! I hope you're still having fun - enjoy your remaining books :)

  6. Life happens to the best of us. As long as you have fun that is all that really matters. :)

  7. There can be no shame when college football is on :)
