Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sunday Salon - January 6

Good morning, all, from sunny and warmer than average Omaha. While 32 degrees might sound cold to many of you, here we are delighted that it is warm enough to melt snow and allow us to go without hats, scarves and gloves for at least a part of everyday. This is life in the midwest in January.

Here's What I'm:

Listening To: Anita Diamont's The Last Days of Dogtown in my vehicle. Two discs in and the jury's still out on this one. On Pandora, it's all Broadway musicals all of the time, prompted by seeing "Les Miserables" on New Year's Eve. Oh lordy, I do love me a play where people burst into song.

Watching: People, we are a mere month away from the end of the football season (and only a few days away from the end of the college football season). I'm watching as many games as I can to build up my football happiness before we head into the long dark months. Yes, I know I have a problem.

Reading: Persuasion for a readalong with Wallace of The Unputdownables. Week one under our belts and can I just say that it's a little startling to be rereading a book and three pages in find yourself utterly confused? For some strange reason, as I started reading, I had in my head the plot of Mansfield Park. Duh. I'm also reading Caitlin Moran's Moranthology. This is one funny lady - I'm quite sure my family's happy this is a relatively short book; I've been reading quite a lot of it to them.

Making: Very little - I've been something of a vegetable since the holidays. Work's been ridiculously busy and when I come home I make the easiest meals I can get away with and do nothing creative whatsoever.

Planning: On getting back into a routine this week. Back to regular work weeks, back to a Christmas decoration-free home, back to regular eating habits (although, hopefully, more healthy habits). I'm actually ready for it.

Grateful for: Sunshine. We've had a lot of gray, cloudy days recently, very unNebraska-like. I need the sun; I'm a happier, more productive person when the sun is shining.

Loving: Clearance sales. I'm stocking up on peppermint mocha creamer, picking up some new things for next Christmas, and finding some great deals on winter clothes just as winter finally hits its stride.

Looking forward to: A delivery from Barnes & Noble this week. I preordered Cathy Marie Buchanan's The Painted Girls (which the Omaha Bookworms are reading in February). To save $3.99 on shipping, I only had a spend another $8.75 (see, Trish, I do it, too!) so I also ordered Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. I'm hoping to get caught up quickly once it arrives to join in a readalong. Yeah, I really am going to try to balance more than one readalong at a time. Notes will  definitely need to be taken!

What are you looking forward to this week?

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