Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Day The World Ends (Poems) by Ethan Coan - A Guest Review

The Day The World Ends (Poems) by Ethan Coen
Published April 2012 by Crown Publishing Group
Source: our copy courtesy of the publisher in exchange for this review

It's not that I have no interest in a book of poetry but when the pitch for this book landed in my inbox, I knew it wouldn't be me who would be interested in it, but The Big Guy who "gets" the Coen brothers' movies. Plus it's short and short works for The Big Guy. Strangely, a short book of poetry took longer to read that most other books he's read. Here, at last, are his thoughts.

Publisher's Summary:
From one of the most inventive and celebrated filmmakers of the twentieth century, and co-creator of such classics as Fargo, No Country for Old Men, and True Grit, a collection of poems that offers humor and insight into an artist who has always pushed the boundaries of his craft. Ethan Coen's screenplays have surprised and delighted international audiences with their hilarious vision and bizarrely profound understanding of human nature. This eccentric genius is revealed again in The Day the World Ends, a remarkable range of poems that are as funny, ribald, provocative, raw, and often touching as the brilliant films that have made the Coen brothers cult legends.

The Big Guy's Thoughts:
I guess my lovely spouse believes I am a bit slow or attention deficit with her comment about my enjoyment of short reading (the latter is true).

I also don't have a strong background in poetry.  I have about 33 hours of undergraduate English literature, but lost my mind when I enrolled in a graduate level Browning and Tennyson poetry class for my first exposure to any type of poetry outside of music.  A bit over my head. 

I also must clarify like many I love a number of the Cohen bros movies especially O'Brother Where Art Thou, Big Lebowski, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Blood Simple and Millers Crossing.  I am probably forgetting a few others.

In the Day the World Ends,  Ethan tears open his soul and provides is yet another view into the wild world of Ethan.  A very interesting read that addresses a large number of topics and ideas.  Some of the poems might be a bit too graphic and a bit degrading to females.  I am guessing he is being playful and really does not have disdain for the fairer sex, but depending upon the condition of the relationships in his life at the time maybe he means it. 

Ethan discusses the female form, growing old, love and death, travel and sheep and much, much more.  It was a fun frolic.  I enjoy having it around and pick it up from time to time to read a poem or two.  I much prefer to read poetry this way rather than trying to sit down and read it from cover to cover.  I noticed it is out on Google for no cost.


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