Saturday, August 16, 2014

Life: It Goes On - August 17

Happy Sunday, all! It's been tough getting back into the routine this week at my house. After a very busy ten days prior and being somewhat off schedule in the weeks before that, it's felt kind of good. We finally got back into our walking routine and my legs ache to prove it, which is a good thing.

I'm still working to get caught up on my blog reading and mail. I need to  find a couple of hours one of these days to devote to the computer; maybe Labor Day since we don't have plans for that extra day off work.

This Week I'm:

Listening To: I finished Elizabeth Kostova's The Swan Thieves this week. For now, let's just say, if I'd been reading instead of listening, I would have put it down unfinished. Tomorrow I'll start another M. C. Beaton Hamish McBeth mystery, Death Of A Cad. I really need something light and quick.

Watching: NFL preseason football. There's a part of me that feels guilty watching football these days, knowing what it does to the players bodies and brains. But lordy, you all know how much this girl loves this sport!

Reading: I'll finish Bob Greene's Once Upon A Town tomorrow for book club and Thrity Umrigar's latest, The Story Hour, for a TLC tour next week.

Making: Homemade pizza rolls, cucumber dip, BLT's and an egg casserole for breakfast this morning. The pizza rolls were an experiment that we all liked but I'll be tweaking the process when we make them again.

Planning: Our first football party of the season in just two weeks. Can't wait to watch our Huskers kick off the season surrounded by Mama Shepp's kids.

Grateful for: Fresh produce straight from my garden at every meal. It tastes so much better and it's great to know how much healthier we're eating.

Enjoying: Evenings on the patio. It's continued to be uncharacteristically mild here for August and I can't seem to get enough outside time.

Feeling: Happy to have had this weekend with nothing on the calendar so we can get caught up on some cleaning and projects.

Looking forward to: My book club's meeting and a book store event with Rainbow Rowell this week. What are you looking forward to this week?

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