Sunday, May 10, 2015

Life: It Goes On - May 10

Oh my goodness, what a week! Wednesday we had major storms move through - tornadoes and huge amounts of rain. After hours of sucking water up, furniture moving, and some roof work, my parents will need to have the carpet pad in their basement replaced. My sister and I, Miss H and the Big
Guy and my niece's friend spent quite a lot of time getting things settled but they were luckier than many and for that we are grateful.

Miss H and my niece
We got to celebrate two graduates yesterday - one of the young men we consider a son and my niece. So proud of both them; they both graduated with honors. He graduated with a degree in a field he might not have entered without having seen my dad give a presentation when the young man was in fifth grade. Plus I've edited quite a few of his papers so I feel our family had quite a bit invested in his success!

We left there and went straight to a wedding - the son of friends of ours got married and we partied with them well into the night. Goodness, I haven't danced that much in years! Once again I was reminded of how lucky we are to have such dear friends and to be close enough to share in their joy.

This Week I'm:

Listening To: I started The Story of Beautiful Girl on Friday, a book recommended by a book club friend and I'm really enjoying it so far.

1975 Omaha tornado path
Watching: "The Royals" on E; a special about the F4 tornado that devastated a part of Omaha 40 years ago (not a good idea for someone who is a tornado scaredy cat to watch during storm season) and "Wolf Hall." How's that for variety?

Reading: I finished my read/listen combo of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close on Thursday. I was almost finished Wednesday and could have finished it on page but just could not decide which was the best way to finish it. So I listened then read it both. I'm hoping to finish Silver Bay today.

Making: Fettucine alfredo, taco soup, tuna salad, grilled chicken salad. Can you tell the weather's been all over the place lately?

Planning: A couple of trips - a weekend to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday with my entire family and a trip to my aunt's and uncle's.

Grateful for: This text message: "Yeah, we're fine, just had to get a tow out of it." This after having received a text message from Mini-me that the car he and his girlfriend were driving in slid off the road in a snowstorm while on a trip to the Black Hills. It's May, people! I shouldn't have to worry about my kids driving on snowy roads in May!

Enjoying: A relatively quiet day even though there are so many things that I should be getting done. Sometimes you just need to recharge.

Feeling: Loved.

Looking forward to: Some time off work, time to enjoy my family, relax and laugh.

What are you looking forward to this week?

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