Sunday, September 27, 2015

Life: It Goes On

Well, I'm finally on board. I'm finally ready for fall. The house is fallified, I've pulled out the cardigans, and fall cooking has commenced. And I'm once again be reminded how much nicer it is to be outside when the temperatures and humidity are lower. And football. And the part of the baseball season when the games really matter.

This Week I'm:

Listening To: I finished Finn last week and will start Room this week. My workout podcast this week as been all Gretchen Rubin's Happier. Now if I could just remember to do some of the "try this at home" tips they give in every episode!

Watching: It's that time of year when I just as well take this piece of the post off. New week, same answer. Miss H has been around a lot - she doesn't have a television at her place any more and she "needed" to watch the Royals as they clinched their division. That girl is baseball crazy!

Reading: Tiger Heart for an upcoming TLC Book Tours review. They had me at India.

Making: It's that time of year when the harvest and the fall feasting collide so on our table this week we've had everything from salad and BLT's to a new crockpot lasagna recipe and fried apples.

Planning: October. So much going on including Junkstock, the Omaha LitFest, and a long weekend trip to Missouri. Not to mention several birthdays and our 33rd anniversary.

Grateful for: Sunny days. We had so much rain this week. Again. I wish we could send you some of it, California!

Enjoying: Being able to throw open the windows and let the fresh air in again.

Feeling: A little claustrophobic. Need to get back on my decluttering and free up some air in my house.

Looking forward to: Reading Banned Book Week posts this week. I've got a couple of things ready for the week but I don't know that I'm going to get a book read with the commitments I have coming up. But I might just have to squeeze something in, just to be rebellious!

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