Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Face To Face Book Club Hits The Blog Waves

Sheila, from One Person's Journey Through A World Of Books, has turned the spotlight on the face-to-face book club to which I belong. Sheila has posted an interview with Mari, from Bookwork With a View, who not only holds our club together but also leads an online book club for Manic Mommies and has co-hosted an on-line summer reading series. Mari's always got giveaway's going on so be sure to check out her blog! And if that's not enough, Mari's also been interviewed this week at Mrs. Magoo Reads. It's Mari that got me interested in the blogging community and who's been an invaluable source of help and cheerleading! That's me in the orange sweater and Mari behind me in the blue sweater.


  1. What a great series! My book club has been around for a little over 12 years. Well, actually I think it has been around for 13 but I joined it a year later.

    I'm glad you pointed out who was who in the pics as I was curious :)

  2. This looks like a fun book club! I'm not in a regular book club so it's always fun to see and read about them. Thanks for posting the pic!

  3. How fab!

    I'm going to take the plunge and try a book club later this year. I have always shied away from them for some unfathomable reason. This is a much bigger deal than it should be for me! ;-)
