Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunday Salon

I know, I know--it's Tuesday, not Sunday. That just goes to show you what the past few days have been like. I took a couple of days off of work for a much needed vacation. I took three books for a two day trip figuring I'd get a lot of reading done, especially when we were driving. No such luck--my husband wanted to chat the whole trip. Then we were off to an amusement park. I don't do rides but figured I'd get three or four hours of reading in. Again, no such luck. My daughter suddenly decided she didn't want to do any of the rides the guys were doing so I ended up entertaining her the whole time.

After four months out on his own, my oldest moved back home this weekend. I was not happy when he left home; I thought he was making a bad decision and it turns out I was right. I could be chanting "I told you so" right now but it's wrong in so many ways. I've got mixed feelings about having him back. I've liked him again since he's been gone and I want to keep liking him. And there's all of this stuff that has to find a home again. It's everywhere two days after landing back at my house and it's making me a little crazy. And it's really cutting into my reading time!

With so little reading time, I'm not making much progress on the challenges. I do have four of six things done for the Everything Austen Challenge but have yet to pick up a book for either the Random Reading Challenge or the Whitcoull's Challenge. The kids head back to school next week and once they're doing homework again, I'll be able to get back to it. At my kids' ages, that's one of the few things to look forward to with the return of the school year. That and football.


  1. My husband always wants to chat in the car instead of letting me read too! How dare they?

  2. Wow! Definitely a lot going on and no reading time makes = ahhhh! Well, I hope that things settle down again and that you are able to catch up with all of your lovely books. Cheers!

    By the by, I always take a book for a road trip too and wind up being the navigator and the one to keep all the drivers awake, plus having to do my share of driving too. AHHH!

  3. Now that all of my kids ride with headphones on, reading aloud to my husband would be a great idea! I just don't know that I'll be nice enough to pick something he really wants to hear :)

  4. You can try finding an audiobook that you both like for a road trip. We've done that as a family also and it's been fun. I always end up picking several options from the library so we can find one we all are interested in!

    Good luck with the transition with your son moving back home. You should have more reading time soon when school starts. I am envious that you have 4 things done for the Everything Austen Challenge! I'm reading my first one!

  5. You'll get your reading done! It's one of the things I DON'T look forward to about going back to school (far less reading time). Being a grown up must be fun!

  6. I've tried to listen to books on CD with my husbnad on road trips. He gets bored. And, like Nadia, I'm the navigator, so I can't afford to have my face in a book. He'll end up on the other side of the country.

  7. I know it's been a stressful time for you. I hope things are going better than expected!

    I never get a lot of reading done when I expect to, lol! I feel your disappointment. I'm still all askewed with Vic being home and it's been over 2 weeks now.

  8. That happens to me too! My honeyman is just sitting playing a video game or something, so I figure I'll sit by him on the couch and read, right? NOPE. He wants me to see some cool move he does or something every minute or so. Drives me nuts :o)

  9. I wish I could read in the car but I get motion sickness. I like the idea of reading to your husband. Hope all begins to settle down and you can get some reading done.

  10. I have a little countdown in my head for back to school. I think if you're quiet enough on the first day of school you can hear a collective cheer as the bus leaves the front door from mothers the world over. We love them but thank heavens for school.
