Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Salon - October 17th

What a beautiful day we finally got here today! After nearly a week of almost constant clouds, frequent rain and colder than normal temps, today we got a cloudless day with temps that called for nothing more than a light jacket. In my house, that means its time to head south to Nebraska City where there are a lot of apple orchards growing varieties of apples you can't get any where else.

Much as we love the apples, the highlight of the trip is always our time spent wandering the grounds of the J. Sterling Morton home. Morton was the founder of Arbor Day and the property around the house is home to a huge variety of trees. If you time it right, and we did this year, you'll get leaves in every shade of green, yellow, orange and red. Plus this year we hit a weekend when they were selling bar-b-que and kettle korn as well as doing demonstrations of apple pressing, Dutch oven baking and sausage making.

Miss H took over the camera this year which is how we were able to convince a 14-year-old to come spend time with mom and dad. That and the honey straws, a treat the kids only get when we make that trip.

I've been reading like crazy lately. How I managed to commit myself to so many reviews in such a short time, I have no idea! Trying to get through all of them has left several books sitting partially done on the nightstand. Hope I can remember what was happening in them when last I had them in my hands. If I finally decide to do Dewey's Read-a-thon, I may spend most of the 24 hours playing catch up!


  1. Sounds like a great day, I love apple picking and the pretty leaves of fall.
    I hope you decide to do the read-a-thon, a good time for catch up

  2. Ah, honey straws! You could have convinced me to come along too! The pictures are beautiful - the leaves are amazing!

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely day, Lisa. Your daughter takes great pictures.

    I was so relieved when I finished my last tour book and review. I have nothing else on calendar--at least not on a specific date--for the rest of the year (yet) and it is such a good feeling. I do have review books I need to, but it's nice not worrying about a deadline.

    I hope you have a great week!

  4. Sounds like a great day.
    I love the piccie of the autumn leaves.
    I also wonder, what is a honey straw?
    Hmm, some research is in order.

  5. How fun!!! What beautiful pictures :)

  6. This sounds so fun - thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!

    The read-a-thon sounds good. I've never done it but with my backlog, it's sounding more and more interesting.

  7. Ahhh... the wonders of honey straws :)

    I have quite a bit to read myself. I didn't overdo it but some books are taking a bit longer to get through so everything has been pushed a bit.

  8. Sounds like a great day. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed by review books. I have stopped requesting, but am on some regular mailings so they will keep coming. Just do what you can. Reading should be fun.

  9. Sounds like a winning day for sure and those pics are great!! The colors are taking their time here in Michigan!!

  10. I love Nebraska City. and YES! to the Read-A-Thon.

  11. What a lovely and gorgeous day! We don't have much of a fall in Texas so I always envy those who do.

    And I hope you are able to do the read-a-thon!! I won't bug you any more about it because you'll start to think me crazy...but, you know. :)

  12. I hope you'll do the readathon! I'm going to and I'm really looking forward to it!

    Glad to hear you had some nice weather and used it to take a fun day trip. The Morton home sounds beautiful! I'd love to see all those trees with leaves all the beautiful fall colors. There are several spots on Long Island and in CT that are perfect for enjoying the splendor of Fall. It's nice your daughter went with you too!

  13. I wanted to take my boys apple picking this year but the weather has not cooperated with us. It looks like we might not even make it pumpkin picking. =(

    Keep up the reviews, I wish I could read as much as you. {{hugs}}

  14. Sounds like a really great Sunday; I love it when they happen!
