Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where I Am Playing Catch Up!

This is so very embarrassing! One day I got an award, but I had a review to get posted, so I put off posting about the award. Then it happened again...and again. Then it got overwhelming. And I do not respond well to overwhelming...obviously! So here's what I'm going to do. I'm posting all of the awards I've gotten with an enormous thank you to everyone who bestowed them on me! And please go visit these wonderful blogs!

I've received the Superior Scribbler and Splash Awards from Al at Publish or Perish (Al is working on a book and is one of the wonderful people that works with the homeless). Michelle at The True Book Addict awards me with the Romance Award and Top Blog Commentator Award. From Jane at Reading, Writing, Working and Playing, I received the Let's Be Friends Award (Jane is the author of Intimations of Austen, a book she was kind enough to send me and which you will be able to read of review of soon). Deb at Book Magic also gave me the Top Blog Commentators Award. Heather at Gofita's Pages and Missy at Missy's Book Nook both gave me the Honest Scrap Award; Heather also gave me the Proximidade Award and Missy also gave me the Why Friends Are Like Books Award and the Dragon's Loyalty Award. Amy, at The House of Seven Tails, gave me the Let's Be Friends Award (Amy is also one of my new football loving friends of which I have found several recently!). Laura, from Laura's Reviews, also awarded me the Let's Be Friends award as did Lisa from Book Blab. Finally, Michelle from Red Headed Book Child also awarded me with the Dragon's Loyalty Award.

Thank you, thank you one and all! I promise to do a better job keeping up in the future and I'm hoping to find time this week to get out and pass these awards along.


  1. Congrats on all your awards! You've reminded me that I've received a bunch that I haven't acknowledged yet either!

  2. Looks like you got a lot of great awards. Congrats!
