Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Book List Meme - February 18

The Book List Meme, brought to us by Rebecca of Lost In Books, asks this week for three books that make me long for warmer weather. I figured that I could wrap this one up quickly enough. Turns out that I don't really read "beach" reads so there really weren't quick choices. But I do tend to steer away from the heavier fare--both literally and figuratively. These are the kinds of things that make me think of summer reading:

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Last Beach Bungalow by Jennie Nash

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding


  1. Great list! I haven't read The Last Beach Bungalow, but have read lots of great things about Jennie Nash's work, so I need to check it out.

  2. I suppose one could put just about any book in the category of making one long for warmer weather these days, with the possible exception of Russian novels!


  3. I LOVE Guernsey!

    I think a good warm weather book might be "Garden Spells" by Sarah Addison Allen. The idea of falling asleep in your back yard garden just sounds so warm and peaceful :o)
