This week's Book List Meme, hosted by Rebecca at
Lost in Books, is maybe the easiest one ever for me. Rebecca wants to know 3 books that you loved as a child (under age 12). Two of these will come as no surprise to anyone that's ever read this blog. The third one was kind of a toss up between a few books but I thought I'd spring something new on you for my third pick.

When I was in grade school, I read a biography of Catherine the Great. As you probably know, I was raised with a love of history but I think this is one of the first times I had really realized that a woman could be so powerful. I can't find the exact book online that I read as a child. It's probably not even in print any more but my parents still have the copy I read at their house.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I still have my book and it was like pulling out an old friend when I read it to my daughter. It's been with me since Christmas of 1968. Yes, yes--I'm old!

A Little Princess by Frances Hodges Burnett. I must have checked this one out from the library as a child; I don't have my own copy. But I bought my daughter her copy before she could even read.
It's funny - I don't think I know A Little Princess, although The Secret Garden was definitely one of my top three favorites. I have to check into it!
ReplyDeleteLiked your post. Someday I hope to write a book where the royalties will pay for the copies I give away.
I loved Little Women as a child and still love it today!
ReplyDeleteI'm ashamed to say I never read Little Women or The Little Princess as a child -- despite being a voracious reader! And how fun that you grew up with a love and appreciation for history. I did, too!
ReplyDeleteGreat choices! I don't know which book spurred my interest, but I found myself loving fiction books about Russia when I was in high school.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading a bio about Louisa May Alcott, and though it took a while for me to get into it I ended up loving it, and it made me want to re-read Little Women.
I love Little Women. It's been one of my favorite books for as long as I can remember- even as an adult.
ReplyDeleteOf the three I have only read Little Women. But since I read it at least six times, perhaps that counts for something. I also read LIttle Men six more times. I don't think I ever even realized there was a Catherine the Great version for children, and A Little Princess was completely off my radar. Now I feel that I've missed a few things completely!
ReplyDeleteCatherine the Great is the only one of these I haven't read. You are putting ideas in my head. I realize that I hear that name a lot, but I know almost nothing about her.
ReplyDeleteSorry I am a week late getting to this, Lisa! I love Little Women and The Little Princess and Secret Garden were great reads for me as a child, too. Great selections!