Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Tag!

I was tagged for this by Michelle at "red headed book child."  If you don't already know about Michelle, you definitely need to check out her blog--she knows a lot about books having worked in a book store and now as a librarian. 

When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays?
When the decorations are up and the boxes are put away.

What do you want for Christmas this year?

My family to all be able to be together--last year's blizzard kept us away from family.

Do you go all out with decorations?
Yes, but...the older I get the less I'm interested in doing it.  It takes days and a few weeks later you've got to undo all of it which is even less fun.

What are you doing Christmas Eve?
We'll spend the day with my side of the family, opening presents, eating, opening presents,  eating, going to church, opening presents. 

What are you doing Christmas Day?
Spending the day with the in-laws, although it will be a disjointed affair. 

It's Christmas time. What are you reading?
I participated in the Christmas Spirit Challenge and read Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."  Otherwise, I'm treating myself and finally just picking what I want to read.

Favorite movie to watch during the holidays?
It's A Wonderful Life is probably my favorite.  But I love all of the classics--it's one of my fav things about the holidays.

Favorite Christmas song?
O Holy Night hands down.  Well, except for Silent Night as sung by the man at my parents who sings it in German while the congregation is lighting candles.

Favorite holiday drink?
Don't have one.  
How is your Christmas shopping going?
Guys are all done, kids are almost done.  Still need to make some.

If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it?
On a beach somewhere! By Christmas Day, I've already had my fill of pine trees, decorations, movies and music.

Any holiday traditions?
Making holiday goodies with my kids, soup dinner at my parents on Christmas Eve followed by the candlelight service at church.

Favorite thing about the Holidays.
Being with my family.

I would love to tag the following three bloggers.
Share with us your holiday fun pass it on to 3 more!


  1. Except for the lasagna, this sounds remarkably like how I would answer all of these questions! (well, and not lasagna at your in-laws, unless of course they invited me!)

  2. It's so interesting to read about the holiday traditions we all have in common -- and family is the thread that binds.

  3. Love the photo of Santa letting it all hang out!

    "It takes days and a few weeks later you've got to undo all of it which is even less fun." - That's how I feel. Once my son is grown and out of the house, I'm not sure I'll continue doing decorations.

  4. lol - We still have boxes laying around. We're really late getting the decorations all up this year. I love It's a Wonderful Life as well. I watched it once already and will on Christmas Eve again. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!
