Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Salon - December 19

Happy last weekend day before Christmas to all of you who celebrate the day.  By next Sunday, we can all put up our feet, take a deep breath and, hopefully, be reading one of the new books we got for Christmas!

Miss H picked the winner of the set of Blackboard Books this morning and the winner is Sandy Jay.  I'll be contacting you, Sandy, to get your address to send off to the publisher.  Congratulations!

Thanks to all of my book friends and all of you who write such great blogs for your help in my latest article for   It's a book giving guide for everyone on your Christmas list.  Check it out and let me know if there are any others you would recommend for gifts.  What books are you hoping to get this Christmas?

I wish I could say I was off to curl up with a good book on the dreary day.  Alas, I'm instead off to wrap presents, do laundry, and finish my Christmas cards.  Maybe later I can sneak in some reading!


  1. I simply can't believe that Christmas is almost here! This year has flown by at incredible pace and really I'm just looking forward to a little slowdown in life. Those exist, right? ;)

    Enjoy your Christmas with your family Lisa!

  2. Congratulations Sandy Jay! I hope she enjoys this set! I am also way behind on the Christmas preparations and am looking forward to getting a slew of things done this week. There will not be much reading going on, I'm afraid!

  3. Congratulations to Sandy Jay!

    I love wrappibg gifts and writing cards...maybe because I don't ever seem to get around to it much! lol

    You wrote a great article about books to buy for gifts, loved your varied selection!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and congratulations to Sandy Jay!
