We had a friend in need this week so hospital visits and dinner for the family were on the agenda. She is doing much better but this mama might just feel the need to take care of that mama a little more before this week is out. My kids may be gone but my need to mother people isn't!
We got to have dinner Saturday night with two of The Big Guy's siblings and their spouses and today celebrated Mini-him's birthday with family and friends. Twenty-six years! Sometimes it seems like those years have just flown by but I can hardly remember a time any more when I wasn't a mom.
This Week I'm:
Listening To: I'll be listening to The Swan Thieves for a couple more weeks yet. I'm hoping something is going to happen in it soon - I'm over half way through it and nothing is happening. Maybe because I've long ago figured out the big twist and it's just a matter of getting to it.

Reading: This is how little reading I got done during the readathon - I'm still reading Lucky Us. I'll finish it tonight, finally. I'm abandoning the plan to finish A Moveable Feast next, though. Four books came in the mail Friday and I've been lured away by shiny new toys. Although which of them will call to me next is still unknown.
Making: Asian chicken salad, Scotcheroo Rice Krispie treats, chocolate cupcakes, smashed potatoes, cinnamon toast pancakes, flatbread pizzas. Yum - we've had a good week in the kitchen.
Planning: Vacation, vacation, vacation - can you tell I'm excited? We haven't had a family vacation in a couple of years and this may be the last one we ever get just the five of us.
Grateful for: I feel that I say this almost every other week but, serious, we are so blessed to have such wonderful families.
Enjoying: The wonderful weather we've been having - we've gotten to spend a lot of dinners on the patio. Sometimes it's been all we could do to come back in the house.
Feeling: Silly. Those Rice Krispie treats? So busy talking and thinking about all of the other things to be done and I accidentally doubled the cereal in the recipe. Didn't realize I'd done it until hours after we ate them and all wondered why they were so dry and crumbly. I hate failures in the kitchen; I know I'll be making another batch this week just to assure myself I can do it!
Looking forward to: Seeing my brother and his family this week! Did I mention how much I love my family?
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