Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Today's Post Is Brought To You By The Letter "P"

Simon, of Stuck In A Book, started a great meme that's been making the rounds. He assigns each person who wants to play along a letter and we're to name our favorite book, author, song, film, and object beginning with a particular letter. I've been assigned the letter "P."

Favorite Book...

Well, this one is easy - it has to be Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. You'd think Simon set this one up for me, wouldn't you?!

Favorite Author...

Another easy choice for me - Ann Patchett, who wrote one of my all-time favorite books (Bel Canto) as well as several other books I've read and thoroughly enjoyed.

Favorite Song...

This one was tougher and I'm not sure I really have a favorite song that starts with the letter "p," so I'm going with a song that takes me back to my college days. It's "Planet Claire" by the B-52's - such fun!

Favorite Film...

Several movies that start with "P" might make my top 100 movies; of those, though, the winner has to be "The Princess Bride." I never tire of it, can recite so many lines, and always laugh when Buttercup and Westley go rolling down the hill.

Favorite Object...

I can't entirely narrow this down to one object; rather it's a collection of objects made by my family that start with the letter "p" - pottery, paintings and photography. I've written before about how these are some of the things that feed my soul.

If you'd like to play along, head on over to Stuck In A Book and have Simon assign you a letter!

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