Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Salon - September 2

Happy September! I can't tell you how happy I am that fall is here, or will be soon. We have battled heat in the high 90's again this week and I am so ready for cooler temperatures to finally arrive.

I didn't get much reading done this past week. My sister and her husband celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last week so their kids, my parents, my brother and I hosted a surprise party for them at our house Friday night. Well, sort of a surprise. My brother-in-law bought a boat this summer and was bound and determined that he was taking advantage of this long weekend for a good boating trip. We finally had to break down and tell him about the party - but at least my sister was surprised. We had a great turnout and I think they both really enjoyed themselves!

After my utter failure with Carl (of Stainless Steel Droppings) this spring (how could I NOT have succeeded at something that required reading fairy tales and folk tales???), you might be surprised to find out that I'm jumping on into R.I.P. VII (Readers Imbibing Peril) with Carl and about 100 of his closest friends. When the gals at The Estella Society announced a readalong of Sarah Water's The Little Stranger in conjunction with R.I.P. VII, I decided to jump on in.I've been wanting to read this one for a long time.

Once I decided to join the Group Read, I decided I might as well explore the rest of the options for R.I.P. VII. Since I've been wanting to read some Angela Carter for a long time as well, I've decided to also read some short stories.

While I was signing up, I noticed that there is also a Peril for the screen and Carl mentioned the original "Dark Shadows" series. I have steered far and wide away from the movie of the same name but now that Carl brought it up, I'm going to track down the series and take a trip down memory lane.

Since I'm working hard to make everything in my life, including blogging less stressful (and more fun!), R.I.P. VII is in, even if it does mean that something else has to be dropped. 

This week I've got reviews of The Mirrored World by Debra Dean and The Bookie's Son by Andrew Goldstein coming up. then my schedule is clear for October except for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand for the Omaha Bookworms and The Headmaster's Wager for a TLC Book Tour at the end of the month. There will be plenty of time to read The Little Stranger and I'm also going to work in a couple more books that I have for review which just happen to also fit in with R.I.P. VII. What are you reading heading into fall?

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